24 Pieces Pink Rose in Bouquet

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Same Day Delivery Metro Manila

24 Pieces Pink Rose in Bouquet

What's the best way to show your loved ones you care?
24 pieces of pink roses in a bouquet, of course! This beautiful arrangement is the perfect way to show your affection on Valentine's Day, or any other special occasion.

Features & Benefits:
- 24 pieces of pink roses: This bouquet is overflowing with 24 lovely pink roses, a classic symbol of love and appreciation.
- By our talented florist: These roses have been expertly arranged by our talented florist, ensuring that they will look their best.
- For this Valentine's Day or any occasion: This bouquet is perfect for showing your loved ones how much you care on Valentine's Day, or any other special occasion.

How it works:
1. Simply choose this bouquet as your gift of choice.
2. Enter the delivery information for your loved one.
3. Our florist will hand-deliver the bouquet to your loved one on the date you choose.
4. They will be sure to appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Please note: If this pink color rose is not available, then it would be replaced with red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

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